How can I remove Software Informer?

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asked by about Software Informer
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Somehow Software Informer has found its way onto my computer. I tried to uninstall it.

2 Answers

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No avatar answered by (236k points)

Software Informer is installed like any other application as there is no hidden way to install it. If you don't like what it does, go to Programs and Features, locate it in the list and then initiate the uninstall procedure.

I do however have it installed and am using it because it keeps my apps updated without even touching it. For example, I don't have to go to VLC Media PLayer's page to download the install package, replace the current installation, and eventually encounter other issues. The S.I. Client does it in the background while I can keep focus on various things.

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No avatar answered by (140 points)

Absolute nonsense. This corrupt devious program does not install the uninstall link. Every try to uninstall returns that the uninstall option cannot be found. It does not uninstall from Progs & Features

commented by (300 points)

Could you, please, specify your operating system and the version of Software Informer you are using?
commented by (100 points)

Software Informer client comes with an uninstaller for easy removal of the program.

If you have Windows 7 you, can see the uninstaller on the list of programs. In Windows 10 the shortcut to the uninstaller is located in the same place as the shortcut for the SI client.

If you search for the uninstaller of the program in the search field, it will immediately show up:

The issue you’ve described is probably caused by the corruption of the uninstall program, which happened for unknown reasons.

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