I am trying to download the latest version of BioWare onto my computer. However it is a Macbook Air. Will this software still work or is there a download I can use for my laptop?
No, the software is not available for Mac OSX. I've checked the official website, but only the EXE file was available for downloading which means that Kistler BioWare is just a Windows only application.
There are nowadays apps that you can use to emulate Windows products on Mac OSX. One of them is called Wine Bottler and can be downloaded from the links below.
Official website of BioWare: https://www.kistler.com/pe/en/search/?no_cache=1&tx_kesearch_pi1%5Bsword%5D=Kistler%20BioWare&tx_kesearch_pi1%5Bpage%5D=1&tx_kesearch_pi1%5BresetFilters%5D=0&tx_kesearch_pi1%5BsortByField%5D=&tx_kesearch_pi1%5BsortByDir%5D=
Wine Bottler: http://winebottler.kronenberg.org/