After configuration and message settings SMS fails.

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asked by about Bulk SMS Sender
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I've configured with the following settings, yet after execution(Run), SMS sending failed.

  1. Configuration Setting > Connect by Available DSN . File Types > Excel File Name > Excel(Provided excel path. Excel sheet contains as shown in snap below)

Customer Name Phone K Sathish Kumar 9176097075 C Yamini Devi 9176337075 C Sathish Babu 9884182255 ...

  1. Message Setting > Excel WorkSheet name > Sheet2 Field name containing Mobile numbers > Phone

    Now entered the message body content and executed > Run

    The Run was in-vain, since SMS Failed. Please help!

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (309k points)

As far as I know, bulk SMS senders needs a gateway in order to send the SMS messages to one or multiple recipients. You have to access the configuration settings of the Bulk SMS Sender and add your gateway. These are not free, which means that you have to buy access to a SMS gateway.

For a list with some of the available SMS gateways, access the following link:

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