Buying license keys for Rimu PCB

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Where can I purchase a license key for Rimu PCB?

2 Answers

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No avatar answered by (329k points)
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After an extensive search, I've come to believe that the program's website is no longer active, which means that the ordering page is also not working. There doesn't seem to be any third-party website hosting Rimu PCB or selling it, so I recommend looking for alternative applications like FreePCB or ExpressPCB.

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No avatar answered by (140 points)

Thank you for your help.

I've tried the following programmes: ExpressPCB FreePCB PCB Artist Eagle

But none of them are able to open TANGO PCB files.

I'm looking for a program that would be able to import Tango PCB or Gerber files and able to edit it, and then should be able to export again to Gerber. Any ideas?

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