Have lifetime membership from 2008. Can I still use it?

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asked by about ExamForce CramMaster
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Good day.

I had purchased lifetime licenses for Microsoft products in 2008. I since have been to prison and am now trying to get reestablished. Would any of my licenses still be worth anything in helping reeducate myself?

Invoice # 0077597-IN 3/26/2008 Thank you.

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (309k points)

As long as you have purchased the license normally, then it should be available to you regardless of your social situation. You will need the installation package in order to use that license, or if you already have it, proceed to the installation of the software and then use the license data to activate it.

For additional information, go to the following website and get in touch with support: http://www.examforce.com/about

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