DNC not sending the program.

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asked by about DNC Server
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My company uses Hurco VM1s. We also have 2 computers at each with corresponding cables running to their appropriate COM ports. Each machine port parameters are XON/XOFF, 9600 BAUDS, 7 DATA BITS, 1 STOP BIT, ASC II FORMAT, CR/LF END OF LINE, PARITY EVEN, COM 1.

I tried decreasing and increasing the BAUD Rates, but the Server will just not communicate with the machine. I tried changing COM ports as well, nothing. The Server worked before and now it is not. Any advice would be appreciated.

2 Answers

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No avatar answered by (236k points)

I am sure this is just a problem with connectivity, and it's not always enough to check the connections in the software. Locate the machines and verify their settings and connection options. Also, if the machines use an IP address, verify their communication using the ping option and the IP address.

Also, from what I see in the images found on the application's page at Software Informer, DNC Server uses the COM port. Instead of tweaking the settings, try to establish a connection using the default value.

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answered by

How do you know the signal is getting through the cable? It is easier to test sending from the machine to the PC. If you press the Receive button at DNC Server it will just wait forever for anything to come through from the machine. If you dont see anything appear in the window at any setting there must be nothing going through the cable, or wrong comm port. If you do see something, but it is bad, then you can adjust settings.

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