How to disable Lenovo Instant Reset so I can use the Windows System Restore?

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5 Answers

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answered by (100k points)

If you want to disable Instant Reset then you will need to access the Services menu found in the Control panel > Administration tools. This is a service that is running with the start of your computer. Disabling the service will also disable the features.

To do that please go to Services menu and locate "Lenovo Instant Reset Service" right click it then choose Properties and use Stop to stop it and then from the Start-up Type option choose Disabled and then you can use Windows System Restore accordingly.

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When i want to do this i get an "Access Denied" error. The user account is an Administrator one.

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Stop the service.

Then go to: C:\Program Files\Lenovo\Instant Reset

And rename or delete: DamageGuardSvc.exe

Finally delete the service by putting this in "cmd":

sc delete "DamageGuardSvc"

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Guys, beware that if you go Start > All programs > Lenovo > Instant Reset > Uninstall

It will ask that it will reset your computer as when you first bought it.

I clicked YES accidentaly, and it completely cleaned the whole computer without even asking me again!!!

I am still absolutely shocked.


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Lenovo Instant Reset can be very usefull sometimes. And by very usefull I mean saving my a** 2 times. But I think it would be usefull if they would allow user to disable it without deleting/disabling service :|

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