Contacting the developers of Trepcad for Professionals.

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asked by about TREPCAD
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I would like to contact a representative of Trepcad. We are a staircase production company and are interested in buying a full professional version of Trepcad. We want to find out what the possibilities of this program are. Do you have a demo version or a trial version of it? Please contact us.

Best regards, Irma Arlauskiene

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (329k points)

It's not possible to contact the developers of TREPCAD because their domain is expired. When you visit, a message is displayed on the middle of the page saying that the domain has been reserved and that's all about it.

I've also found the TREPCAD on another website. They appear to be resellers, and you can contact them to obtain additional info:

Note: German language might be necessary in order to communicate with them since they're a German-based website.

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