CueFire asks for a serial number.

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asked by about CueFire FREE
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I did not have to enter my email to download CueFire FREE, but it asking me for a serial number to install it?

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (309k points)

The software was never a free product, but the developers made it freee since they've stopped the development as well. On the official website, there are details on how to register and use the application. If you can't visit the page, I recommend checking the details below. You can use them to install the software, but support doesn't actually exist.

Benutzername / User Name: CueFireFree eMail-Adresse / eMail address: Seriennummer / Serial Number: 0001.0100.0712.000.5 Aktivierungsschlüssel / Activation Key: 1229731

Official website:

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