NewsClip for Windows 7 or 10.

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asked by about newsCLIP
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My name is Peter Pilgrim. I work for a company in the UK called Gorkana. We are a Media Intellience firm. My contact number is +44 (0) 20 7664 0733.

We are using NewsClip 4.1 on legacy Windows XP computers and would like to upgrade to Windows 7 & 10.

Can someone please help in sourcing a version of NewsClip to run on Windows 7 & 10?

Regards, Peter

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (309k points)

The NewsClip application or the developers don't appear to be available anymore, therefore an upgrade for this application on Windows 10 is not possible. I've looked through all the possible website, but I couldn't find anything about it. If you still have the setup package for NewsClip, then you can migrate it to Windows 7 or 10 and apply a compatibility tweak.

It's a simple application that requires you to right click the setup package and then use Properties > Compatibility. Select a previous version of Windows from the list and then run the application.

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