Office Manager/Owner information.

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asked by about American Contractor
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We were using American Contractor in 2013 and prior for another company. Is the software still supported by Maxwell Systems Inc.?

2 Answers

0 votes
No avatar answered by (236k points)

I don't think this application is still supported because I've visited the official website and there was nothing mentioned about the American Contractor application. Their new software is called ViewPoint and the developers are also changed which I tend to believe that they have been acquired.

You can get in touch with them using the following link:

I've also used Google Search and related search engines to look for other websites, but there weren't any available.

0 votes
answered by

This version is supported and they do have updates for it as it is now up to version 8.5. They have continued to support it and will until 3/2021 as of now. BTW their new software is called ProContractor and Viewpoint is their company name.

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