Mesage capacity.

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asked by about Eudora
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I tried to move from Eudora 7 to Thunderbird. The latter did not accept an import of the messages in my various boxes - too many. Since the new Eudora is based on Thunderbird I would like to know if I could expect the same problem. My messages folder has 412 items and I expect the average box has something like 20 or so messages in it - but a few many more.

2 Answers

0 votes
answered by (264k points)

As far as I know, Thunderbird doesn't have a message limit regarding the Import function. As long as the file is compatible and ready for import, you can use it without any errors.

However, here's a tweak you can use: make a backup copy of the folder and then use it in order to load the files. This way you will keep the original file/folder intact and if something happens you will always have the original file/folder.

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No avatar answered by (140 points)

Hi Dick, The process to move emails from Eudora 7 to Mozilla Thunderbird can be complete by following few simple steps. Eudora email client creates MBX file format to save their data at this location C:\Users\USER_NAME\AppData\Roaming\Qualcomm\Eudora\ Follow these steps

  1. First download MBOX Converter Wizard that is capable to convert MBX files in MBOX format
  2. Run Mozilla Thunderbird email client and import converted MBOX files
  3. Now you can access Eudora email in Mozilla Thunderbird Download software from here - Process to import converted MBOX file -

I hope these steps will be helpful for you.

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