Interface of SODOCO.

0 votes
asked by about SODOCO - Siemens Office DOcument COnfidentiality tool
edited by

I use VBA into Excel to create other Excel document and I would like to bypass SODOCO or select a default value of SODOCO when I save new document. I would like to know how to connect to the interface with this application?

2 Answers

0 votes
No avatar answered by (309k points)

The SODOCO - Siemens Office Document Confidentiality tool doesn't appear to be available anywhere on the web, therefore it's impossible to say how to connect these two. If you still have the software installed on your PC, go to Help > Contents. In most of the cases, when an application supports something, it should be found in the Help documentation.

This is the only thing I can recommend since nothing could be found about SODOCO. I've used various search queries on different search engines, but it was all without luck.

0 votes
answered by

Hi Alex, Thank you for your advice but I already found the answer to my question using Help of SODOCO. I haven't seen there is help link when you go to Parameters > About. I intented to post an answer shortly. If my message can help someone else, here is below the code for VBA :

'Allowed values : C_Unrestricted, C_Restricted, C_Confidential or C_Strictly_Confidential  
ThisWorkbook.BuiltinDocumentProperties("Keywords").Value = "C_Unrestricted"
'Allowed values : Unrestricted, Restricted, Confidential or Strictly Confidential      
ThisWorkbook.CustomDocumentProperties.Add Name:="Document Confidentiality", Type:=msoPropertyTypeString, LinkToContent:=False, Value:="Unrestricted"

Regards. Stéphane.

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