I get "Socket Error # 10060 Connection Timed out."

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When I do a search, nothing happens for about 30 seconds, and then I get the message "Socket Error # 10060 Connection Timed out." That's on Search Provider 1. On Search Provider 2. There's a lot of files listed, but the download stops after a few kilobytes. I'm using Windows 10 Home Premium.

Best wishes, Colin

related to an answer for: Windows 10 & Music2pc.

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (236k points)

The software isn't working at all. I've tested both Search providers and although the second one looks like it's working, when loading the file, it's actually empty, therefore useless.

I recommend using another application that actually allows you to download files. It's called SoulSeek and it's available for free.

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