Printing of eBIR form

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asked by about eBIRForms

When I print the BIR form I need, the right part of the page is not included in the print-out leaving a blank space. For example,for 1601 E form, in the print-out you cannot see the "601-E", the print-out is up to "1" only. It goes blank from top to the bottom part of the right part of the form. So the 'Tax Required to be Withheld' does not appear in the print-out.

1 Answer

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answered by (264k points)

When you select the Print feature, a new window will appear from where you can go to Print Preferences. In that window you have the possibility to adjust margins, layout, and paper format. Make sure that you're using the correct paper format and the correct layout settings. There are options that allow you to select Fit to Page which automatically takes your content and shrinks it or enlarges it based on your preferences to fit on a page.

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answered by

Have you found the solution for this so that the right part of the page fits on the paper? I encountered this kind of printing error but I can't find the solution despite changing the paper size to long/8.5x13.

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answered by

When I try to print the eBIRforms script error message appears with the following error An error has occurred in the script on this page Line: 40 Char: 30 Error: Interface not registered Code: 0

The printer is installed properly and can print using word or excel even in pdf file. Can anybody help me on this. Thank you in advance

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