Status colors for iMon.

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asked by about iMON
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If I'm correct the iMON/iMedian software provides the connection between my PC and my amplifier and from there to my TVset and my speakers. For some reason, after replacing my powerunit, the blue circle in your icon was changed into a yellow circle, but that didn't cause any problems, as far as I know. Now the yellow circle became white. There were no changes at the system done by me. And now there is a problem. Visual there are no issues. My TVset still displays the same screen as my PC screen. But my speakers are lost. Somehow my PCsystem can't find my speakers anymore. So, if I'm asking this to the right people, please help me.

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (309k points)
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I've installed the application and on my computer, it's displayed with a yellow color. I've searched the web for the meaning of these colors, but there is nothing available. After the software is started, right-click the icon and then select Help. You can read all there is about the software and its status through the available User guide that will open after the button is clicked.

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