Hello, I want to ask the "Manufacturer, City, State abbrev if USA, Country" of the Meta-DiSc 1.4. Because I need to cite this information in my paper. Thank you!
The developers of the application provide some information on their website that you can use in your paper. They even recommend the text to add to your paper. You can find it below:
Please refer this software as:
Zamora J, Abraira V, Muriel A, Khan KS, Coomarasamy A. Meta-DiSc: a software for meta-analysis of test accuracy data. BMC Medical Research Methodology 2006, 6:31.
The program has been developed by the Unit of Clinical Biostatistics team of the Ramón y Cajal Hospital in Madrid (Spain). This project has been partially supported by grants FIS PI02/0954, PI04/1055 and FIS G03/090.