Is the Digora software compatible with Windows 10?

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asked by about Digora for Windows
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Is the Digora software compatible with Windows 10?

5 Answers

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No avatar answered by (309k points)

No, the software won't work with Windows 10. According to the system requirements posted on the official website, the software is compatible only with Windows 7 and 8. You can use the link posted below to read more about the application, but as I have previously recommended to users who wanted information related to medical and health apps, it's best to get in touch with the sales representatives. They will give you all the details you need.

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We have Digora 2.6 working in Windows 10 and Server 2016, but at the moment we get an error (Visual C++ Runtime) evertime there is an windows update, we have to uninstall the updates...For Digora to work again..

commented by (100 points)
Hi, be interested to know if you found a solution for Digora on Win10?
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Runtime error caused by windows updates. One solution is to upgrade to version 2.9 Please note however that Soredex no longer exist as they did as they have been taken over. This 2.9 software client is a chargeable item as well as any setting up of the software and hardware. We are in the process of offering an alternative software, which will be supported and also support most Soredex legacy devices.

commented by (100 points)
please tell me the computer stopped seeing CRANEX Novus and gives the error "this software version does not support serial number V44723" please tell me if you know how to solve this problem DFW 2.7
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Hi, Many thanks to those that contribute to this chat thread.

We got version 2.6 and we want to upgrade all our computers but after reading this thread I might have to reconsider.

Will look for version 2.9 in the mean time pleaes let us know how you go Clive



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Hello Have you found the 2.9 version? I found some information on a Norwegian site that the update from 2.7-2.8 is actually free. I asked them about it and I'm waiting for a reply. A couple of years ago I managed to run v2.8 on Win10 but I can't anymore and the old installations stop working one by one. Funny thing is, where it works, it works only for a specific user, so it's not strictly machine related but there's something in user config that enables it to work. Cheers Simon

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