Connection problems.

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asked by about DM Local Service
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Hello. I have problems connecting. I have a warning window that pops up and states DM local server not connected. When I go to the the DM local server control panel and hit start I am still running into a problem. Any suggestions will help.

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (309k points)

I've used the available search engines to parse the data required to this inquiry, but there is nothing available which means it's a localized error, therefore you have to make sure there are some conditions met before you can run the software:

  1. Check compatibility to see if the software will run on your PC. This can be done through the developer's website.

  2. Your antivirus needs to be turned on and watching in case the file is corrupted.

  3. Security permissions. Run the software as Administrator using right click on the shortcut from your desktop or from its location.

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