Can't find licence key.

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asked by about Namo WebEditor
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Namo-Webeditor 5.5 reinstalled on PC with Windows 10. I've entered keys and it worked for weeks. Now "Can't find licence key. Reinstall...". Reinstalled again and again. Still "can't find....". There is no option to fill the keys. What should I do next?

2 Answers

0 votes
No avatar answered by (329k points)

This application has been discontinued which means it's not possible to use it anymore, or if you can install it, registration won't be possible under no circumstance. You will have to choose other web editors and luckily, there are plenty available.

Here is a list with known web editors that are still available and updated on a regular basis:

commented by (100 points)
Wothless answer, Sean.
I got Win10 to open the program 'as administrator', always.
Works just fine. Finds the registrationkey.
Problem solved!
I 'm back on the web.
0 votes
answered by

You probably need to use "Run as Administrator," by right clicking the mouse on the icon.

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