Seeking for a software package.

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No avatar asked by (120 points)
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I have been using Software informer for several months now and have found it very very useful, with some excellent software.

I came across a really good software package, some months ago, which extended the start-up page, so that when I hit the start button, it gave a tree presentation of all the "switches", for all programs I have, including my Software Informer downloads.

Unfortunately I had a scam, which messed everything up. So I lost my feature. Is there anyone out there that recognizes or uses the Software package, and tell me its name so I can buy another copy?

Thanks, Dennis A.

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (309k points)

Based on your description, I believe you are talking about an application that replaces the start menu with a classical one. In this case, you can use Start10 or Start8. These apps replace the start button with the classical one as seen in Windows 7 and below.

Visit the following websites to learn more about them:

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