What is the tuiService used for on android?

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What is the tuiService used for on android?

6 Answers

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answered by (264k points)

The tuiService is a new security layer implemented by Trustonic. It comes as a 3rd party layer for your phone and it can be removed as soon as possible because it has no real use if the phone is not configured for these type of security connections (as in Enterprise, Business, etc).

More info here: http://www.tuicool.com/articles/miq2ay

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I believe that, if a Samsung Galaxy phone becomes unresponsive, with a slow violet line going up and down the screen, that this app, TUISERVICE is acting on its own, without instructions from outside. This might also become an API for Malware. :-(

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You are both wrong. This is an essential package that makes the pin pad keyboard work in Samsung Pay. Without it, you get a spinning circle and an error saying "Secure pin pad opening, please wait". Careful not to disable this package with any package disabling software or you will get this error.

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But if i dont use samsung pay, it is then a useless package

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Exactly. I never use my phone to pay, and this thing is draining my battery for no reason. I want to disable it - but can't.

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use an adb-shell:

pm disable-user --user 0 com.samsung.sec.android.teegris.tui_service

does the trick

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