Unable to download SolidWorks 2008 x64 Edition SP03.1

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asked by about SolidWorks 2008 x64 Edition SP03.1
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I've been trying to download SolidWorks 2008 x64 Edition SP03.1 from you website without success. I click on the 'Download' button which then takes me to another page which says 'Go to developers web site download'. I click on this and go to the Solidworks site but that's it. A brief pop up massage appeared to say the download from solidworks is complete but I cannot find anything in my downloads folder and a 'C' drive search for the executable file given on your web page produced no results.

Can you help, please? Also, is there an activation code required and if so where do I find this?

Thanks in anticipation, Andy Crackle.

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (309k points)

You can't download the application because it's not available anymore. That's why you are being redirected to the official website instead of the downloads. Nowadays, SolidWorks 2016 is available on their website. You can also test drive it as a trial package through the following link. I recommend to stop searching the 2008 version because there will be low chances of finding a good download.

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