Missing photos after installing ZSpeed.

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After installing Speed Plus my photos have disappeared. Could they be hiding in the junk files? I have not cleared these. How can I check?

2 Answers

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No avatar answered by (329k points)

If you are not careful, these applications will delete custom content as well. I know I experienced the same thing with ES File Explorer and one of its modules where I started a cleaning procedure and the software deleted all my content. If you've done the same, then there is no way to recover them, if the files have been stored on the Internal Storage. For External Storage aka SD Card, connect it to a PC and use Recuva to attempt a possible recovery .

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No avatar answered by (740 points)
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If you lost data from your android phone, the first thing, check out the backup, whether you have synced the data to Gmail account, or saved on your pc. Then, you should never add more data to your phone after data loss, cuz they can take up more space, the lost data will be overwritten. Last thing, you can try android recovery methods, Recuva, you can also try professional data recovery programs.

How to recover deleted photos.

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