Subsequently you wrote:
I found the answer - run msconfig and unselect the EasyRip item on the list.
It worked!
Thanks. Kathy.
It's a viable solution as it is, but the sheer fact that you have had to do that after uninstalling the whole thing indicates that EasyRip doesn't remove itself completely. For all we know, it may even have left some kind of service running in the background without you even knowing. I hate it when developers do that.
I would encourage you to try running some kind of 'Uninstaller' (which would probably involve installing RCA software one more time, but it may pretty well be worth the trouble): some of these programs are made to monitor the installation processes of other programs and are capable of removing all those leftover bits afterwards. I don't think it's all that feasible to buy one of these things, they're all pretty much the same. For a selection of freebies, have a look e.g. HERE.
If you're up for getting your hands dirty, you may try running (the same way you ran 'msconfig') this: services.msc - and look for those running services that have 'RCA' or 'EasyRip' in their titles. Then just double-click on them, select 'Manual' as the startup type, and press 'Stop' to finish off each of them.
Then run regedit - and proceed to HKEYLocalMachine/software/microsoft/windows/currentversion/run. Therein, you'll find the same entry you unchecked in Msconfig, just remove it altogether. Then proceed to HKEYCurrentUser/software/microsoft/windows/currentversion/run and do the same.
Please be careful with the registry and the services, however. If in doubt, keep things as they are.