More precision for big int numbers and for float numbers.

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asked by about MSWLogo
edited by


Are you planning a Windows 7 64 bits for your interesting software MSWLOGO? Moreover, is there a release or a patch that could display:

  • exact results instead of scientific notation 1.05 e+301 ,for instance 2^100:31 digits 2^1000: 302 digits fibonacci 100:21 digits
  • more accurate decimals for float numbers, for instance 1/98 =0.01020408163265... about 50 digits in order to see the periodic part?

Thanks a lot. Robert SETIF

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (329k points)

I've downloaded the software on Windows 10 64bit and it works just fine, then tried the application on a Windows 7 64bit machine and it works the same. You probably have an older version of the software, therefore the lack of features and compatibility issues. I recommend downloading the software from the official website.

Note: You can also send an email to the developer to request new features. The email is on the same website.

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