The most possible cause to this issue is the driver's compatibility with the Windows 10 operating system. Technically, you will need a driver update, but you can try a manual installation as well.
According to the data on the manufacturer's website, the software and the drivers are compatible with Windowns 7 32-bit & 64-bit and Windows 8 32bit OS. This means you will need to install the driver in manual mode.
Download the utility from the following link switching to the Downloads tab:
Disable Driver Enforcement in Windows 10: Start > Settings > Update and Recovery > Recovery > Advanced Startup > Restart > Troubleshoot > Advanced options > Startup Settings > Press key 7 > Restart.
After this procedure, insert the device, start the installation and go to Device Manager (Start > Run > devmgmt.msc). Locate the device, right click it and choose Driver Update. Select to manually specify location, then browse to where the software is installed (typically in Program Files > iBall). When found, select the INF file with the drivers, accept the warning and continue the installation. Reboot the PC and it should work.