iBall 3.5G Wireless Modem 3.1 is not running in Windows 10.

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It is not working on my Windows 10 laptop. Before I was using Windows 8 and it was running, but now it is not running. What should I do to run it?

2 Answers

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No avatar answered by (236k points)
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If you don't have a driver compatible with Windows 10, then it's officially impossible to install it. However, there is a special way. Install the software in compatibility mode, then reboot the computer. Wait to come back, then go to Start > Settings > Update and Recovery > Recovery > Advanced Startup > Troubleshoot > Startup. Press number 7 when a list with options is displayed, and come back to windows. Plug the device, then go to Device Manager and right-click the iBall device. Use Update Driver and point the installer to the directory where the software is installed. Accept the warning, reboot the PC, and it should work.

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first, install the software in modem after that reboot the computer after that wait for a while, a)go to the setting b)update the data>recovery
c) then go to the advanced setup d) troubleshoot e) startup after that plug, the device then goes to the device manager after that click to the device of the iball. Use the latest update driver and point it. Reboot your system after accepting it a warning and at the end you see it work well. iball support number

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