Can I ask for university price? (academic user)

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asked by about ErgoFellow
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Dear Sir/Mam,

My name is Herry, from Petra Christian University, Indonesia. I am a lecturer of Ergonomic and also the head of ergonomic laboratory. If my university would buy this software, is there any special price for academic user?

My second question is, the price is for annual fee or for once only.

Thanks and regards,

Herry C. Palit

5 Answers

+1 vote
answered by (240 points)
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Hello. At our academy, we use similar software and pay a fixed amount annually.

0 votes
answered by

Dear Henrry,

Yes, there is a special price for academic user.

Please tell us how many computers would use ErgoFellow and your email address so we can send you a proposal.

The price is paid only once. There is not an annual fee.

Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions.

Sincerely, FBF Sistemas

0 votes
answered by

This is what I was looking for. Thanks Very interesting

0 votes
No avatar answered by (340 points)
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Very interesting. Unfortunately, I did not manage to get a second education, although I really dreamed about it. But in the medical college I achieved success and even prepare a personal statement for medical fellowship Now I will receive a reward for my work in the form of a scholarship, so to speak.

0 votes
No avatar answered by (140 points)

Hi every one...Im happy to be here and answer your questions

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