Question before I update to version 2.4.

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asked by (120 points) about Intel Driver Update Utility
edited by

I read a review, which was posted like 9 months ago, the person said that your computer must have an INTEL Motherboard, which I assumed I already had because I already have Intel on my ASUS Notebook PC, MODEL# X202E DH31T.

Would you please be able to help me figure out wheather or not I have an INTEL Motherboard?

Thank you so much for your time and assistance.

Respectfully, Derek.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered by (264k points)

There is a very simple way to check if you have an Intel motherboard. You can use two tools for this job:

  1. CpuZ (Free): It will give you information about CPU, Memory and motherboard (including model number, revisions, etc).
  1. AIDA64 (Shareware): It's a more comprehensive tool, but it also gives you the details about motherboard as well.

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