MT4 FXPrimus changed the format

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I today accidentally closed my MT4 without having closed individual currency pairs which is fatal, as it won't reopen without referring to my broker. They reinstalled with a new AC but the operational facilities, like new charts list is totally different from the previous(eg. only 6 currency pairs available.). Previously when you opened "file" and choose a currency pair, there was a list with arrows leading to sub lists so you could obtain a good range of currencies from those lists. Now, apparently, I can only obtain these via the "Marketwatch" section and when you try to drag them across they automatically delete the previous one there. Question: have you altered the format recently so that this now is the only way to access, as it is nothing like as convenient as previously and certainly is much harder to set up?

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (329k points)

If something has changed within the application, then you can use the developer's website to get the details. I have looked on support and all the related pages, but I couldn't find anything in connection with your inquiry. If something has been modified, then it's "under the hood" without public notification.

Firstly, check the FAQ page here:

Secondly, contact them using the following details:

Phone: +357 25262084 Email:

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