Quote request: UK (GB-PPQ-112869).

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My name is Sonia Khatri & I work for a large global software reseller, SoftwareONE. We have an end user interested in below mentioned license for their environment in UK. They have reached out to SoftwareONE Uk to see if we were able to procure this software for them.

We request you to please provide the below details for this request:

Beeldscherm Tachograaf 3.0 x 10 Beeldscherm Tachograaf 3.0 x 1

The item will be delivered electronically or shipped physically?

Note: Please specify what all is included in Maintenance and if Maintenance is Recurring or not.

Bill-to-SWO Location: SoftwareONE Uk Deploy-to-Customer Location: UK

Please also confirm is this license for use/deployment is restricted to specific location or can it be used globally? Can we also resell them globally?

We also request you to please share the reseller price list mentioning the reseller discount and price list validity.

Kindly mention your terms and conditions:

Price Validity
Payment Method (Bank, Credit Card, Wire Transfer, e-commerce platforms etc.)
Payment Terms (30 Days, 15 days etc.)
Delivery Time
Freight Charges Process of placing order
Taxes (Local + Withholding etc.)
EULA link
Downgrade rights

Please also confirm whether the product is available per user/per server?

Thank you for your time and attention and I look forward to your prompt response on this matter.

If I can be of further assistance, please feel free to contact me.

Best Regards, Sonia Khatri | Procurement Specialist | Global Service Delivery Center | SoftwareONE Office: +911243044700 pricerequest.global@softwareone.com | www.softwareone.com

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (309k points)
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Unfortunately, the data you're requesting can only be provided by the developers of the applications. The sad part is that those applications aren't available at all. I have searched all possible websites without any results. This could mean the products have been discontinued. There is also no contact information regarding the developers and their activity.

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