Does not recognize scanner.

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asked by about EPSON Copy Utility
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I'm running this copy utility on Windows 10, but it doesn't recognize the Epson 1200 Perfection Scanner even though other programs recognize it. Is this due to an incompatibility with Windows 10?

2 Answers

0 votes
No avatar answered by (329k points)

Yes, the problems are caused by the compatibility with the Windows 10 operating systems. I have checked the printer's downloads and found out that Windows 10 is an operating systems that's currently unsupported. In fact, not even Windows 8 or Windows 8.1 in both 32 or 64bit are not supported. This issue applies to the U and U Photo models.

However, in Windows 10 you can use Windows Update to install the drivers for the printer. You also need to activate an option using Windows + X > System > Advanced System Settings > Hardware > Device Installation Settings. Make sure the option is turned on.

enter image description here

0 votes
answered by (140 points)

On a Windows 7 64bit system, the original installation of the software for the Epson Perfection scanner worked without fault. Recently I installed the newest update to the Copy Utility. It does not work.
I have not taken the time to trace the fault. My answer then is newest changes caused problems with my older system where no problem had been encountered before: Cause unknown and may be due to my own mistakes or other changes. I also installed the newest Epson Scan Utility and have experienced no problem with that except that the copy utility is now separate from the main installation utility.

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