Differences between "Program Files" and "Program Files(x86)" on a 64 bit PC with Windows 7 (64 bits) OS?

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Differences between "Program Files" and "Program Files(x86)" on a 64 bit PC with Windows 7 (64 bits) OS?

2 Answers

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answered by (264k points)

On 64bit versions of operating systems Windows creates 2 folders: Program Files and Program Files (x86). The explanation is pretty simple:

  • Program Files - contains applications that are created for 64bit versions of Windows. In this folder are placed all the 64bit compatible applications.
  • Program Files (x86) - contains applications created for 32bit versions of Windows that run on 64bit versions as well.

Warning: Do not attempt to manually delete folders inside Program Files unless you're instructed to do so by an It technician.

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No avatar answered by (140 points)

Thank you very much Mr.Prastman for your beautiful and explanatory answer. I appreciate it well. Many thanks once again.

    • rajaram

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