Microsoft Windows 10 problem.

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No avatar asked by (120 points)
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I downloaded Microsoft Windows 10 last week and noticed my computer start-up slowed right down, so I ran a complete scan a few days later to see if I had acquired a virus. No virus but the scan was longer than usual so I checked the files it was scanning and during the microsoft section every second file showed C:\Windows.old\Windows (then name of file). Does that mean that Microsoft 7 (i.e. my "old" microsoft) is still in the drive? If so how do I get rid of it? I would have thought that upgraded version would delete the old.

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (329k points)
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After you upgrade to Windows 10, the OS will keep the Windows.OLD directory for about a month to give you a choice to go back to previous OS in case something goes bad. You have two solutions as of this moment:

  1. Delete the directory manually. It's not recommended by Microsoft, but I did that on my PC and nothing happened.

  2. Wait 1 month and the directory will be deleted automatically.

Note: If you plan to delete it manually, boot to Safe Mode and remove it from there.

commented by (120 points)
Thanks heaps for your advice, Sean. Breathing now back to normal!

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