I am writing this mail to let you know that I have an issue to fix on. I am using Android HTC desire A9191, version 2.3.5. I had been using Hotstar YB live, movies app for a year. I was also getting notifications saying to update the latest versions of this app. I had no problem until Oct 14th and from Oct 15th, I could not install it from Google Play Store as it was saying: "Your device isn't compatible for this version." I was keeping in touch with the Developer of this app and I kept receiving mails from them saying: "Sorry to let you know that, from the last update, Hotstar has made it compatible only for OS version 4.0 and above. I got the same message for Facebook Messenger too, saying it's not compatible but within a week later, I got to install it again. For Hotstar app, it has been a month and I didn't get any new updates from them as it still says that my device isn't compatible for this version. Please help me get back this app, so I can install it again with no problem. Hoping that Hotstar can make it compatible for old versions too.