Unable to install hotstar app on my Nokia Xl.

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I'm unable to install a Hotstar app on my Nokia XL. It required Android version 2.3 .3+ and my Nokia XL has 4.1 Android version, but it can't be installed.

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (193k points)
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I have checked the compatibility settings and indeed the application requires Android 2.3.3 and up for the OS, but you should consider that many applications don't run properly or they're not compatible even if you use an Android phone. There isn't anything to be done in this case except contacting the developer of the app. Use the following email address and send him an email explaining the issue. He needs to modify the app to allow installation in Nokia XL phones as well, but it's up to him to decide that.

Email contact: hello@hotstar.com

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