How can I convert a C4D file into a 3DS without Cinema 4D?

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I am wondering if there is a program that converts C4D files into 3DS or LWO files? Something other than Cinema 4D?


5 Answers

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answered by (100k points)

Importing a C4D software into 3DS Max is not possible. At least in version 8, 9, 10 it wasn't possible. The method which works best is to use a 3rd party software which allows you to import the C4D file with export to 3DS capability. One of this software is listed and reviewed on Software Informer and it is called MilkShape 3D. It is known for its large file support. You can use it to import your file and then export it to 3DS Max format.

Use the import function built into the main menu and select your image then use Export/Save as.. and choose the output format you please and you're done!

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Milkshape 3d does not import c4d files.

Your answer should be at least 40 characters

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Importing a C4D software into 3DS Max is not possible.

That would be incorrect. A professional, native conversion solution does exist:

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In C4D go to File > Export and select .3ds

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Still waiting for an answer to the question. None of them apply to what they are asking.

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