Unable to open CorelDRAW image

0 votes
asked by (120 points) about CorelDRAW Graphics Suite
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When I try to open Corel DRAW Graphics Suite X5, it displays the message "Unable to connect, error code 998".

I've googled this code and was offered a 3-step solution but then got the message: NOT available for Windows 7. Do you have any suggestions? I have used Corel since version 3 was new.

2 Answers

0 votes
answered by (264k points)

This problem is caused by a DLL loading failure. In fact, the error 998 is related to coreldrw.dll. The file is either corrupted, missing, or moved to another place. The simplest solution is to Repair/Reinstall Corel, but first try repairing it using Uninstall a Program in Control Panel. CLick Remove, but choose Repair instead. Reboot the PC and then start the software again. If it does not work this way, reinstall the software completely, then use CCLeaner to clean the registry items.

0 votes
answered by (140 points)

Short guide from Autodesk or other variants might be see and learn below https://www.openfiletool.com/cdropen.html CDR Open File Tool – solution for hopelessly crashed .cdr images, uses in case nothing works and helps

Try the following:

  • rename the file to ".zip "
  • open the zip-file with Winzip or WinRar (these programs has a repair-function for zip)
  • try to repair the file
  • then extract the riffdata.cdr from content-folder of zip-file and open this file in CorelDRAW These steps work for me.

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