Patching paths in Qt binaries after relocation on Windows with qtbinpatcher.

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I understood that there are three ways to resume working in Qt Creator if the directory had changed:

  1. to rebuild the library
  2. to restore the path
  3. to use special patchers.

I've found that many use qtbinpatcher by Yuri Krugloff. This is from wiki qt:

If you want to move Qt directory elsewhere than after moving you need to execute from QTDIR: qtbinpatcher —nobackups

Has anyone succeeded in doing this? I was doing it from Qt Command Prompt (Qt 5.2.1 for Desktop) and I've got the following:

Setting up environment for Qt usage... System cannot find the path specified. C:\Windows\system32>%QTBINPATCHER% --nobackup

QtBinPatcher v2.1.3. Tool for patching paths in Qt binaries. Yuri V. Krugloff, 2013-2015. This is free software released into the public domain.

Can't find qmake.

So I ran:

C:\Windows\system32>%QTBINPATCHER% --qt-dir=path_where_qmake_is_now_located

And it seemed that patching has been done. But my Qt Creator still cannot find qmake (errors in Qt Profile). If I run again qtbinpatcher —nobackup, I'll see the same Can't find qmake. If I run with --qt-dir=path again, it will say

The new and the old pathces to Qt directory are the same. Patching not needed.

I feel stuck. Could you please help me and open my eyes to probably simple things which I appear not to know?

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (236k points)
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Unfortunately, there is no possible way to provide support since the development and support for the application is no longer provided. On the SourceForge website, where the software was hosted, a message appears regarding this. Secondly, the QtBinPatcher's website is also not working properly because it leads to a domain that doesn't exist anymore. On the GitHUB, the message is the same: PROJECT CLOSED.

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