I am an instructional tech specialist in my school district and have received calls about this that I don't know the answer to. When creating a class in Test Manager, some teachers saved to the default location on their C drive rather than pointing their Test Manager classes to save to the home drive on their work computers to be able to retrieve the student test data in case something goes wrong. So something went wrong and now they cannot find their students' test results. Is that something you could help with? I wonder if it has to do with them updating to ExamView version 8? Of course, I can help them locate where their classes are saved, but the default is the C drive and there is nothing actually in there since the program is virtualized. I hope this makes since. Our networking department explained it to me and I'm not sure I'm translating it properly. Thank you for your time. I am prepared to tell these teachers that the test data is gone forever, but any suggestions would be appreciated.