I have trouble deleting old folders which location Windows can not verify

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I have these old folders on my external hard drive that I haven't touched in over half a year and I was trying to delete them to make room. But when I made an attempt to delete the folder, I got this "could not find this item" message. It asks me to verify the location and the other computer I connected it to no longer works. I emptied the folders out but the folder won't delete. I tried using a number of programs to delete them. Delete invalid file was the only working program but I only got the trial version which only allows me to get rid of 3 out of 8 folders because it wants me to buy the program. Are there other freeware programs with the same results?

2 Answers

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answered by (100k points)
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It happens many times when the operating system messes up the folder structure no matter the location or type of the storage device because of the bad uninstallation procedure performed by applications. In this case I would like to recommend you a handy utility which deletes folders and files no matter the protection or the lock system used by the operating system. Unlocker has been created to solve these errors by using special algorithms. Shell integration is a plus because you will have the tool at your hands at all time. In order to remove the folder, install the application, right click on the problematic folder/file and choose Unlocker and from the windows that pops-out choose Delete and for the software to delete it. In case it is locked, a restart will be required.

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Google & download KillBox as it is just a 91 kb app that performs the similar operation.

If everything fails... Select & transfer all the remaining else data on HDD/flash to certain another..(make sure to select 'Show hidden files & folders' option in 'Folder Option' of Command Prompt). Just Format the HDD/flash using NTFS, and recover the copied data.

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