I need to save my file in MP3 format.

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How can I save my project in MP3 file format?

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (329k points)
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If you want to save your work in MP3 format you first need to have the LAME library installed. If you don't have it, you can access the LAME library download site. After you finished downloading the archive, extract it and remember its location, as the first time you'll try to export a project as an MP3 file Audacity will ask you to locate the lame_enc.dll file. Once your work is ready to be saved as MP3, proceed as it follows:

  1. From the File menu, select Export as MP3.
  2. A dialog box will appear: Save MP3 File As.Click OK.
  3. Select your desired save location.
  4. In the file name text box, type the desired project name.
  5. In the Save as type text box, leave the file type as an MP3 file.
  6. Click SAVE and the export MP3 dialog box will appear and ask you to locate lame_enc.dll.
  7. Navigate and select the previously extracted folder which contains lame_enc.dll.
  8. Click OPEN, the Edit the ID3 tags for the MP3 file dialog box appears.
  9. Complete the fields as you wish and click OK.

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