Firstly, you will need to get the Program's Directory path. To do this, open Sage ERP and go to Help > System Information. Copy the path and then access that path. Once that path is opened, navigate to Runtime > vpf > FlowCharting > xtec > Sage_Libraries > Sage_Basic > Logos > Main
. Copy and past all the graphic files into that folder. There should be a List.txt file. Back it up to another place and open it with Notepad.
The string should be similar to this one: {"files":[{"name":"logo_1.jpg"}]}
Replace the string to look it like this one: {"files":[{"name":"logo_1.jpg"}, {"name":"yourlogo.jpg"}]}
Save the file and then edit the process flow with the custom graphics. Open Visual Process module in Sage, then select the process you want to modify and right click it. Choose EDIT and then you can select the graphics file.