How can I solve the "Commercial Use Suspected" problem in TeamViewer?

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No avatar asked by (960 points) about TeamViewer
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How can I solve the "Commercial Use Suspected" problem in TeamViewer?

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (329k points)

The problem that you've reported can be resolved as it follows:

  1. Stop and exit TeamViewer if it is still running.
  2. Click on Windows > Start > Run and search %appdata%, find the teamviewer folder and delete it.
  3. Click Windows Start > Run and enter regedit. Click OK. Find the registry entry located at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > teamviewer and delete the teamviewer registry folder.
  4. Change the MAC address of your Ethernet card and restart your PC. If you don't know how to change your MAC address please follow Microsoft's tutorial.
  5. Start TeamViewer.

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