Chatting is not working properly on my Samsung.

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Chatting does not work properly on my Samsung. On my Samsung telephone it works OK, but answers don't reach me in time on the tablet. This is annoying and confusing.

2 Answers

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No avatar answered by (309k points)

There are a few factors causing this issue:

  • the wireless coverage is not so good on the tablet, therefore messages might have a slight delay.

  • the sync option is not turned on while you are connected to Data or WiFi network. To change this setting, go to Settings > Accounts. Tap on the account used for Chat and enable SYNC. Now, if the Internet is good, you will receive the messages in real time.

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Hello Alex, thanks a lot for your effort, but I'm sorry, it's not the solution for my 'problem'. Both, my telephone and tablet are on the same wifi connection with the same settings. After the latest wordfeud-update the telephone worked fine, but the tablet has this problem and never had it before. So maybe there is another solution? It's ennoying when someone chats something and I don't answer because the text didn't arrive on the tablet. Or much later...... Thanks if you can help me. regards, Annelies

commented by (3.1k points)
This could also be a problem with the application itself. If the application was installed through Play Store, then you should report it to the developers and they will check the issue. Additionally, I would recommend reinstalling the app in the same way you did before, but before doing that, uninstall the current version.

Contact the developer: ``

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