CFD mesh by ANSYS Workbench - improving boundary layer aspect ratio

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asked by about ANSYS Workbench
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I have a problem for boundary layer. In fact, my model is complex in shape. It is a multiple body (7 solid coupled by fluid). The model dimension is 7000 mm, but it has about 2500 number of small holes with 7 mm diameter. The model is not sweepable and also I can't use the multi-zone method. For my model, only tetrahedral meshing is allowable by Ansys.

I could mesh the model with following quality:

  • 8,000,000 cell (tet,pym,hex) which is the last for my computer capacity.
  • 4 boundary layer in fluid
  • Sqewness 0.94
  • Aspect ratio: Max is 41000 (in prisme boundary layer)

My questions are:

  1. How can I create a hexagonal boundary layer? (model is not sweepable)
  2. How can I improve the aspect ratio without increasing number of cells?

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (329k points)
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Since this is a very complicated process and ANSYS Workbench requires extensive knowledge, I recommend checking the website listed through Google Search. I have narrowed down the result list to show only what is necessary for your inquiry. Access the URL below to obtain the list with websites.

Google Search:

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