Jota+ has stopped working.

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asked by about Jota+ (Text Editor)
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I have used Jota+ (with Pro-Key) for years on all my Android devices. Really like it. Recently the installation on my Samsung Galaxy Mega (Android v4.2.2) stopped working {"Unfortunately, Jota+ has stopped"}, for no reason oblivious to me. Rebooting, re-installation from Google Play -- nothing fixes it. Any idea what's wrong?

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (309k points)
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If the program is not working even if you re-installed it, then a system file might be corrupted preventing the software to run properly. You have two solutions:

  1. Factory Reset the device and then re-install the application. (Factory Reset: Settings > Backup and Reset > Factory Reset)

  2. Contact the developer and explain the issue. He should also require logs in case the software crashed.

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