Object size after deformation in ANSYS

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asked by about ANSYS Workbench
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Is there a possibility to get the size or length of an edge in Ansys, after the simulation/in the deformed object. I have a sort of a bending beam and want to know his length after deformation. With the directional deformation I could get an approximation by subtracting the first and the last point, but this isn't very exact. With the strain it doesn't work because I have the strain for every single point and not one number for the whole object to multiply it with the original length.

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (329k points)

The only way to obtain information about this software is through the Google Search website. I performed search queries, but I couldn't find anything specific with all the necessary instructions. Use the websites listed through Google Search to obtain information about various ways to work with Ansys. I recommend this way because ANSYS is a very hard program and it requires extensive knowledge to work with, even if you are in the domain.

Google Search list: https://goo.gl/8nBuEl

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