Information about battery & camera

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My mobile is Micromax Canvas Knight (A350) and I have a problem with the battery backup. Starting battery backup almost 6-8 hours, it fails at 2 hours only. My phone has the battery built-in. I don't known the damage level and I want to change the battery of the mobile and also my back camera's glass is cracked. Can you guide me how can I get the insurance of those things?

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (309k points)
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The problem with batteries is better solved by someone experienced. If the phone is under contract and the battery is faulty by default, then the carrier will replace the phone. I can't say much about the glass of the camera. I suppose, it doesn't get the warranty service. All in all, you'd better contact the managers from the shop where you've bought the phone or get in touch with the actual developers at

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